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Greening International Law

October 01 2024

The Pact for the Future of the Planet: Making Multilateralism Work

The Summit adopted an ambitious outcome document – Pact of the Future– along with its two annexe...

September 29 2023

Release of ICEL’s note on the UN General Assembly request for an advisory opinion on the legal obligation of states in response to climate change

To inform proceedings concerning the ICJ Advisory Opinion on climate change, the International Counc...

July 21 2023

The adoption of the “BBNJ” Agreement: What is in the text and what are the next steps?

On June 29th 2023, the United Nations finally adopted the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction ...

March 07 2023

Climate change and the advisory function of international courts and tribunals

A coalition of member States led by Vanuatu is bringing a draft resolution to the UNGA to request an...

February 08 2023

Global Climate Change as a Planetary Concern: A Wake-Up Call for the Decision-makers

In the wake of COP27, Prof. Bharat H. Desai of the Centre for International Legal Studies at Jawahar...

January 25 2023

Scoring a Goal for Latin America and the Caribbean in Plastic Pollution Talks

Key Proposals: The article offers an analysis of the interests of a multilateral negotiation of a bi...

January 20 2023

Green Diplomacy: Birth of a new Blog

The Blog “Pathway to the 2022 Declaration” evolves today to “Green Diplomacy.”

January 19 2023

The Repurposed UN Trusteeship Council for the Future

The Context and Idea On 15 July 2022, IOS Press published an ideational proposal of this author ent...

November 14 2022

Exploring Pathways to an International Agreement to Leave Fossil Fuels in the Ground

It is increasingly recognised (even if not always in public) that the goals of the Paris Agreement w...

December 16 2021

Ecocide as a fifth crime at the International Criminal Court

This criminal law route can therefore provide an enforceable deterrent to underpin and support UNFCC...

November 22 2021

COP26 and the Flawed Design of International Law

With respect to climate change, the Earth’s atmosphere should be recognized as a global trust that...

October 26 2021

Where is 'Earth' 50 years after Stockholm?

There are many gaps in international environmental law, but the largest and most worrisome exists be...

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